3 min read
Lyrics of Rising Beyond


Rising beyond beyond the barriers

Rising beyond the mountains

Rising beyond the valleys

Nothing can hold us down

Yes we can

Yes we can                                                       

Yes we can

We can make it

Yes we can

Yes we can                                                       

Yes we can

We can make it

We will never give up                            

We will never back down

We will never give up                            

We will never back down

Oh Yes

We can

Oh oh yes

We can

We can oh oh oh oh oh

Oh yes

We can

Oh yes

We can

Oh yeah

We can oh oh oh oh oh

Rising beyond our status

Rising beyond our pains

Rising beyond our challenges

Nothing can hold us down

Yes we can

Yes we can                                                       

Yes we can

We can make it

Yes we can

Yes we can                                                       

Yes we can

We can make it

We will never give up                            

We will never back down

We will never give up                            

We will never back down

Oh Yes

We can

Oh oh yes

We can

We can oh oh oh oh oh

Oh yes

We can

Oh yes

We can

Oh yeah

We can oh oh oh oh oh

Rising beyond our grieves

Rising beyond tribalism

Rising beyond hatred

Nothing can hold us down

Yes we can

Yes we can                                                       

Yes we can

We can make it

Yes we can

Yes we can                                                       

Yes we can

We can make it

We will never give up                            

We will never back down

We will never give up                            

We will never back down

Oh Yes

We can

Oh oh yes

We can

We can oh oh oh oh oh

Oh yes

We can

Oh yes

We can

Oh yeah

We can oh oh oh oh oh


These children have gone through lots of tribulations, getting separated from their happy families by either their parents blocked on the other side of the country and they can’t access or by their parents being kidnapped and killed or by their parents joining rebellions and leave them alone or by one parent running away because they belong to a tribe on target. Imagine living without parents of a sudden and living with either close relative or total strangers but despite all, they still stand and hence they are determine to rise beyond all obstacles and make it in life and hence we need to give them a hand to reach their dreams

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